Frequently Asked Question

Iphone Setup
Last Updated 6 years ago

  1. Goto "Settings"
  2. scroll to "Password and Accounts"
  3. Select "Add Account"
  4. Select "Microsoft Exchange"
  5. Enter your email address. Enter Description (or take the default). Click on Next
  6. It should ask for "Configure Manually" or "Sign In". Select Sign In
  7. Select Work or school account
  8. Enter your password
  9. You should see your email address with a check mark next to it.
  10. Select the folder you wish to sync (ie. Mail, Contacts, Calendars, etc.). Click on Save
  11. Once you are back at the "passwords and accounts" screen, you are finished
  12. Goto the "Mail" app to see your new emails.
Note: In the Mail app, you may need to select "Mailboxes" in the upper left corner and select either the new mailbox you just created or All inboxes

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