Frequently Asked Question
1. Goto
2. Click on "Download OpenVPN Connect for (You operating system. Most likely Windows)
3. Run the downloaded file
4. Click on NEXT, Accept the terms, INSTALL, YES to any prompt, FINISH
5. OPENVPN will open and accept the terms.
6. You should be "Import Profile" above. Click on UPLOAD PROFILE tab
7. Drag and Drop the ovpn file (eq. VPNConfig.ovpn) from the email into the blue square window in the OPENVPN program.
8. You may change the "Profile Name" to whatever you wish or leave it as is.
9. Enter the your username and click on "CONNECT"
10. Enter your password in the password screen
11. You may get a "Missing External Certificate" Warning. Enter checkmark in "Don't show again" and click on "CONTINUE"
12. When the window says "Connected" you are good to go.
13. When you are done with working and want to disconnect the VPN, click on the slider switch just below the "connected" text and to the left of the profile name.
14. In the future, when you wish to connect the VPN, open "OPENVPN CONNECT", and click on the same slider to turn the VPN back on.